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01 - Emadan (Offer me)

Offer me, offer me

in a single pill

now that the odd has taken over my body

Can medicine cure absence?

Plural got sick

it’s not just about me.

And outside of the manufacturing system

sense, sense, what’s with you?



02 - Suhartzea (Ignition)

Do you recognize

the smell of the moment when ideas ignite?

Will we be aware

of the moment when ours will burn out?


Are you already aware of the moment

they will come and why?

Have they not yet realized

that we die sooner if we are left alone?


It may take a while but perhaps

before the fire is extinguished we may get to our place.

Will it be the same?

Will chance be merciful?


Do you already know how ideas grow

and why they are distorted and decompose

when we try to understand each other?


Do you already know how ideas grow and why

they slip from our lips

but we never hold their hands?


It may take a while 

but before the fire is extinguished

let’s get to our place.

Perhaps the same

If chance is merciful.



03 - Beltzaile (Impostor)

Behind that modesty you admire, you

Perhaps a trace of what once you wanted to be?

I caress your forehead with my hand,

I have no more words now.

Don’t you worry, love

in that room where the air is heavy

there is something you have not seen.


You look inside with ungrateful eyes

as you look at the impostor who deserves nothing.

I comb your hair with my hand

I have no more words now.

Don’t you worry, love

in that room between your ribs

there is something you have not seen.



04 - Hondartza bat estolderietan (A beach in the sewers)

In this plain where it is spring night

my throat is snow and the moon is our prey.

The tangle of spirits of the dead sing

for us there is neither future nor warmth

no suffocating hunger to corrupt the body

no sterile passion to melt the brain,

with the water that our clavicles collect

it works the mil by crushing the hangovers.


From broken hourglasses,

a beach in the sewers.


The manifest reads: Burn the last piece!

Life is an indecipherable puzzle.

From broken hourglasses,

a beach in the sewers.



05 - Jaio aitzin (Before birth)

Someone before birth

has dreamed with the sky covered by buildings

beyond the windows spending the days watching

only the neighbor’s world

with a halogen tube as a roof.

And in the meantime, smoke from between the lips.

And in the meantime, smoke from the lungs.


Someone before living

has built between the brick walls

a fragile bridge to the outside

superb in our image and likeness

that while it is full of contradictions

it’s coming, it’s complete

that in each test advances a fourth of a step

closer, closer.


Come closer,

I don’t want gods,

nor here, not now,

I don’t believe in destiny.

Art was just a cruel lie

and I want to blame it for everything.

But before anyone dies

I can’t get it right

who I should point out as the killer.



06 - Historia (History)

You’ve assaulted that which was protected with a shield

in the essence of each question

with a luminous gust, peace was undone.


The story, just a moment

some effective drug

challenging counterfactual

something that never happened.


Useless faith.

each answer two questions:

the one you don’t remember

and the one you don’t want to know.


We met one winter

there was no piano in that place

strange loneliness

on a table

shady roofs

between short sentences.



07 - Sinkropredazioa (Synchropredation)

You are my excuse

to follow the brightness of the school of fish

to submit to the movements that fly

You are my excuse.


This summer night I’m not allowed, I’m not allowed

sleeping without getting lost in the fever

if only I had a cold heart

I would sleep soundly for centuries, without being able to wake up.


The blood moves through my veins rhythmically 

the clouds may darken, but it does not rain

I have called them and we have reunited all the weak…

Synchropredation, synchropredation. 



08 - Sua (Fire)

From the slippery horizon you inspect the nearby universe closely

looking for something else

as if it were the coins you find in phone booths

you always want something, even though

you are looking for a sparkle

surrounded by light

how can you see clearly fearing  the dark?


And you daydream of travelling over the shooting stars

as you go down the road

and being able to concentrate as much 

in that lie, in that lie

the seat belt is useless

at that speed.

You’ll go out just like the fire

but you are fire, after a long time.



09 - Junco (Reed)

The reed dreams that I want to sleep

on its deathbed not to discover

how its stems fall.


You never warn me when I try to escape

following my steps to find the place

that sounds like a deafening silence.


Night falls on this gray river

diluting darkness.

I feel good, don’t worry anymore

I just want to feel unreality.



10 - Panoptikoa (Panoptic)

Cell without number

of this panoptic prison.

For someone to watch

everything you ever dreamed of.


Calls without number

and the voice had told you nothing.

Return to the protection of the cell

open every week, seven days a week, 24 hours a day.


Unlocked cell

walls that will protect you

of everything on the outside.

They talk about catastrophe from the loudspeakers,

who will want to leave this shelter?


The days go and the days come

you are alone and I am alone

they are alone and no one is looking at them

but what if your eyes give us away?


The days go and the days come

you are alone and I am alone

they are alone and no one is looking at them

but what if I’m not able to not give you away?


The days go and the days come

you are alone and I am alone

we are alone and if no one is looking

will it be too late to escape?


01- Emadan
02- Suhartzea

02 - Suhartzea

Ezagun al dun
ideien suhartzearen usaina?

Ohartuko al gaitun
gureak kiskaltzen saiatzen direnean?

Hik ba al dakin jadanik
noiz etorriko ditunan eta zergatik.

Ez al ditun jada ohartu
hiltzen gaitunala errazago bakarrik?


Berandu baina baliteke inoiz
sua itzali aitzin gure lekura heltzea.

Leku bera ote?
Kasualitateak errukirik ote?


Hik ba al dakin jadanik
nola hazten diren ideiak eta zergatik

distortsionatzen zaizkinagun
eta usteltzen elkar ulertu nahirik?

Hik ba al dakin jadanik
nola hazten diren ideiak eta zergatik
ezpain artetik ihes egin
baina ez ditinagun heltzen sekula eskuetatik?


Berandu baina baliteke inoiz
sua itzali aitzin gure lekura heltzea.

Leku bera ote?
Kasualitateak errukirik ote?

03 - Beltzaile

Liluratu zaituen apaltasun horren atzean, zu
izan nahi zenuen horren memoria printza bat ote?

Eskuaz adatsa orraztu dizut,
ez dut gehiago hitzik jada.
Lasai egon laztan,
airea pisu den gela horretan bada
ikusi ez duzun zerbait.


Esker gaiztoko begiekin so zara barnera

ezer merezi ez duen beltzailea bezala.

Eskuaz kopeta oratu dizut,
ez dut gehiago hitzik jada.

Lasai egon laztan,
saihetsen arteko gela horretan bada

ikusi ez duzun zerbait.

03 - Beltzaile

04 - Hondartza bat estolderietan

Udaberri gau den lautada honetan

zintzurra elur dut, ilargia gure preso.

Kantuan ari da hilen arima amarauna

guretzat ez dago ez gerorik, ez bero

gorputza apurtzen duen sargori goserik,

garuna isurtzen duen grina antzurik,

lepauztaietan biltzen zaigun uraz

lanean da errota ehotuz biharamunak.


Hondarrezko erloju apurtuetatik

Hondartza bat estolderietan.


Manifestuak dio: “Erre azken pieza!”

Ezin ebatzizko puzzlea da bizitza.


Hondarrezko erloju apurtuetatik

Hondartza bat estolderietan.

04 - Hondartza

05 - Jaio aitzin

Jaio aitzin inork
amestu al zuen eraikinek estalita zerua

leihotik harago soilik auzoen munduari begira

igaroko zituela egunak,
hodi fluoreszente bat aterpe duen artean.

Bitartean, ezpainetatik kea.
Bitartean, biriketatik kea.


Bizi aitzin inork
eraiki al du adreiluzko murru artetik kanpora

zubi bat hauskorra, gure irudira harroa

kontraesanez gainezka eginaz batera

hurbiltzen dena, osatzen dena
dema bakoitzean pauso laurdenaz
gertuago, gertuago.


Gertuago hator
ez diat jainkorik nahi
ez hemen eta ez orain

patuan sinesterik ez diat.

Artea gezur krudel huan

dena egotzi nahi zioat,

baina hil aitzin nola jakin

hiltzaile nori iritzi?

05 - Jaio aitzin

06 - Historia

Erantzun bakoitzaren mamian ezkutuz

babesten zen hari eraso diozu
argi bolada bat, deuseztatu da bakea.


Historia, une bat
eraginkorra den drogaren bat

desafiozko kontrafaktualak

inoiz jazo ez zen zerbait.


Fedea, antzua.
Erantzun bakoitzak galdera bi:

oroitzen ez duzuna
eta ezagutu nahi ez duzun hori.


Negu batez topatu ginen

pianorik han ez zegoen.

Bakardade arrotza

mahai gainean.

Teilatu arre

esaldi motzak.

06 - Historia

07 - Sinkropredazioa

Nire aitzakia haiz
arrain sarda horren distirari jarraitzeko
hegan egiten duten mugimenduei men egiteko

nire aitzakia haiz.


Udako gau honek ez dit uzten, ez dit uzten

sukarretan galdu gabe lo egiten, lo egiten
bihotza hotz izango banu, gutxienez
lo sakon egingo nuke, hainbat mendez, esnatzerik ez!


Odola erritmikoki mugitzen zait zainetan

hodeiak belztu litezke, baina euririk ez da
hots egin diet eta ahuldade denak batu egin gara:sinkropredazioa, sinkropredazioa.

08 - Sua

Zerumuga labainkorretik unibertso hurbila

miatzen ari haiz adi-adi, beste zerbaiten bila

telefono kabinetako txanponak bailiran
beti zerbait desio dun baina

izpi baten xerka habil
argiaz inguraturik
ilunaren beldur, nola ikusi argi?


Eta izar loketan bidaiatuko huala amesten dun esna

errepidean hoanean.
Eta nola gai haizen hain sakon kontzentratzeko

gezur horretan, gezur horretan.

Autoko uhala, hutsala

abiadura horretan.

Iraungiko haiz, sua bezala
baina sua haiz, aspaldi ez bezala.


09 - Junco (Ihia -originala gaztelaniaz-)

Ihiak amets du lo hartu nahi dudala

haren hil hurrenean ikus ez ditzadan

haren zurtoinak jausten.


Deus ez didazu esaten ihesari ematean
nire pausoen atzetik etortzen zara

isiltasun bortitzeko leku horretara

isiltasuna darion.


Gaua dator ibai gris honetara

diluitu du iluntasuna

ni ongi naiz, zu ez zaitez kezka

soilik nahi dut errealitate eza.


10 - Panoptikoa

Zenbakirik gabeko zelda

espetxe panoptiko honetan.

Inoiz amestu duzun dena

inork zelata dezan.


Zenbakirik gabeko deiak
eta ahotsak ez dizu deus esan.
Zatoz berriz zeldaren babesera
astero, zazpi egun, hogeita lau orduz zabalik da.


Sarrailarik gabeko zelda
kanpoan den guztiaz babestuko zaituzten paretak.

Hondamendia bozgorailuetan,
nork nahiko du bada gordelekutik atera?


Egunak joan eta egunak etorri

bakarrik zaude, bakarrik naiz

bakarrik dira eta ez da inor begira

baina zer zure begiak salatari badira.


Egunak joan eta egunak etorri
bakarrik zaude, bakarrik naiz
bakarrik dira eta ez da inor begira
baina zer zu ez salatzeko ni ez banaiz gai.


Egunak joan eta egunak etorri

bakarrik zaude, bakarrik naiz

bakarrik gara eta inor begira ez bada

ihes egiteko izanen al da garaiz.

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© 2024 Eneritz Furyak // FR & EN lyric translations by: Ainhoa Moron & Eneko Urizar
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